
这是史无前例的合作, AstraZeneca and Vanguard Renewables are working together to reduce the climate impact of medicines manufacturing across the US. It’s one of a range of AstraZeneca’s global initiatives to decarbonise and hit net zero by 2045.1 为什么? 因为人类和地球的健康取决于它. 

Making medicine is energy intensive and the conventional natural gas used to power R&D和制造场所是通过燃烧化石燃料生产的.2,3 其中一个副产品就是二氧化碳, 哪些被释放到大气中, 捕获热量,导致地球以危险的速度变暖.3 找到清洁的热源至关重要.

AstraZeneca in Newark, Delaware, has already switched to using renewable natural gas (RNG).1 通过与先锋可再生能源的合作, the site is using RNG to power its production of life-changing medicines for nationwide and global distribution.1

The aim is for all of AstraZeneca’s US research and manufacturing sites to use RNG by 2026.1


作为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐协议的一部分, Vanguard Renewables to work with dairy farmers and food and beverage manufacturers, retailers and distributors to produce RNG using farm-based anaerobic digestion (AD) from food and dairy cow manure. 下面是它的工作原理:1

  • Inedible or unsaleable food and beverage waste from the manufacturing and retail sectors is collected and sorted1
  • This is combined with dairy farm manure in a sealed biodigester tank1
  • 一旦在罐中混合, 自然产生的微生物消化废物, 转化糖, 脂肪和其他化合物转化为沼气1
  • Biogas is upgraded to pipeline-quality RNG and injected into the existing infrastructure1
  • 然后根据需要使用RNG来加热或冷却场地

重要的是, the AstraZeneca and Vanguard Renewables collaboration will use food and waste from local and family-owned farms, 支持农村社区.1 It will also help reduce pollution from the farming sector by capturing methane from dairy production that would otherwise end up in the atmosp在这里.1

Harnessing energy from waste in this way captures as much as 95% of the potential greenhouse gas emissions that would result if the food and beverage waste were sent for landfill or if the manure were applied to fields.1

此外, by-products of this ‘digestion’ process include a low-carbon and nutrient-dense fertiliser that reduces the farm’s dependence on chemical fertilisers, 同时也是一种副产品,可以用来做动物床上用品.1

AstraZeneca is also partnering with clean energy providers in different locations to reduce our medicine-manufacturing emissions.2 了解更多 在这里.

We appreciate that to reduce emissions globally, we need to help make RNG more accessible to all. That’s why we expanded our collaboration with Vanguard Renewables and are using our industrial-scale manufacturing and digital capabilities to boost US RNG capability and accelerate the transition to clean energy.4

利用澳门在线赌城娱乐的全球业务, 供应链, 数字和科学专业知识, 两家公司将共同努力增加天然气产量.4

了解更多关于 our aim to add RNG capacity to the US power grid and build capabilities in sustainable innovation to decarbonise the supply of healthcare and contribute to a more sustainable future.4

The climate crisis is one of the largest public health crises of our time, and the healthcare sector plays a vital role in managing its impact on human health. 矛盾的是, 研究, 发展中, manufacturing and delivering medicines and healthcare services is energy and resource intensive. This means we need to take accountability and accelerate the transition to net-zero healthcare. By collaborating with partners within and beyond the health sector, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以帮助确保卫生系统更具可持续性, 弹性和公平.2

Pam程 全球运营执行副总裁 & 澳门在线赌城娱乐的IT和首席可持续发展官

Seeing a world of connections creates opportunities that can make a big difference to our health.

The health of people and society is deeply connected to our planet’s health. 人口老龄化, a rise in chronic diseases and the impacts of the climate emergency are increasing health inequities and adding further pressures to health systems around the world. We must deliver healthcare that is more equitable, sustainable and resilient.  

想知道更多吗?? 了解澳门第一赌城在线娱乐雄心零碳战略 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的投资 转向可再生能源 通过一系列创新的伙伴关系. 您也可以了解更多关于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的承诺 通过绿色实验室进行可持续研究 看看澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的方法 脱碳呼吸护理

To get the complete picture of our sustainability strategy, explore our 可持续发展影响刊物.


  • 可持续性
  • 科学