
的 impact of cardiorenal diseases on people, society 和 our planet are immense 和 growing,1 然而,心肾疾病仍未得到充分诊断,2,3 未见2 它们之间的相互联系,2 under-recognised. 通过更好地理解这些相互联系, 推动早期筛查和干预,改善获得医疗保健的机会, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以减缓疾病的发展. Keeping people healthier reduces the burden on healthcare systems while also minimising the impacts on our planet often caused by hospitalisations 和 carbon-intensive treatments. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐专注于可持续科学, 使病人护理途径脱碳 和 playing our part to improve equitable access to healthcare with a lower environmental footprint. 


More than 840 million people worldwide – equivalent to more than 1 in 10 people – are living with chronic kidney disease (CKD)4一种渐进的、可能致命的疾病.5 When CKD progresses to advanced stages, haemodialysis or kidney transplantation is required.6 血液透析仍然是医学中碳浓度最高的领域之一, consuming enormous amounts of water 和 producing high amounts of medical waste – in a year, 在全球范围内, 血液透析需要超过1690亿升水7 并产生了超过10亿公斤的医疗废物.8

随着慢性肾病的负担不断增加,对环境的影响也将越来越大. 最近来自英国的真实世界证据(RWE), 来自IMPACT CKD分析, 预测,, by 2032, the environmental impact for 病人 receiving in-centre haemodialysis will be equivalent to over 1.3500万吨二氧化碳排放量(CO2e).9

因此,早期诊断和治疗CKD是非常必要的. 减缓疾病进展, avoiding hospitalisations 和 preventing cardiorenal complications will reduce the carbon emissions 和 fresh water needed for haemodialysis 和 other intensive treatment. This will minimise the impact on our planet 和 promote better health outcomes in line with the GREEN-K initiative.10


We are working to address the environmental impacts of CKD 和 support physicians to screen 和 diagnose cardiorenal diseases early. We’re raising awareness of the interconnections between CKD 和 other cardiorenal conditions like heart failure (HF), 并在评估治疗对环境影响的倡议方面进行合作. In partnership with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 和 the 可持续医疗联盟(SHC), 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已经开发了一个开放的中心血液透析系统 碳计算器 (ICHD),使医院能够评估其血液透析部门的碳足迹.

This tool allows hospitals to make their haemodialysis service more sustainable 和 to underst和 the savings that could be achieved by early detection 和 secondary prevention of CKD. 


在联合国气候变化会议上, COP28, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐介绍了健康研究的初步结果, 阿联酋慢性肾病的卫生系统和环境负担.

的 讨论文件,与…合作开发 可持续医疗联盟(SHC), 纯粹的健康Maverex,下划线。 importance of early detection 和 prevention on reducing life-time healthcare emissions. 一项使用SHC护理路径指南的研究11 发现随着CKD的进展, 每位患者的碳排放量增加, with haemodialysis being the largest individual contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 的 study also found emissions for CKD treatment at each of CKD stage (1-5) represent an additional 6.8-58.比阿联酋人均年温室气体排放量高出7%.12

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre (ADPHC) of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) – also announced at COP28 – on decarbonising the Emirates’ healthcare ecosystem, 包括关注慢性肾病, 下划线 气候行动与疾病预防政策之间的相互联系.


Heart Failure (HF) – a complex syndrome occurring when the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body – 和 CKD are interconnected.13,14 全世界有近6400万人患有心衰, 1 其中大约三分之一的人也患有慢性肾病.15 Early detection of HF plays a crucial role in preventing poor clinical 和 patient outcomes.1

在英国,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与 NHS大格拉斯哥和克莱德, 苏格兰西部创新中心, 格拉斯哥大学 以及其他合作伙伴 项目的歌剧主动的,主动的 优化社区心衰的数字诊断途径将超声心动图的等待时间从12个月缩短到6周.16 Early diagnosis means 病人 can start appropriate HF treatment 和 reduce the risk of hospitalisation 和 death all the while reducing 8kg of CO2 emissions per patient per year. 17 This is now exp和ing to other parts of the UK, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico 和 China.


心血管疾病(CV)占CKD 3-5期死亡率的近50%.18 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 健康心脏非洲 (HHA) programme addresses hypertension 和 the increasing impacts of cardiovascular (CV) disease in Africa, with the ambition to reach 10 million people with elevated blood pressure across Africa by 2025. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐制定了与临床医生、政府和决策者合作的规划 要改善获得医疗保健的机会,就要消除诊断障碍 并改变数百万患者接受心血管治疗的方式. HHA supports local health systems by increasing awareness of the symptoms 和 risks of hypertension, training providers to drive care to the lower levels of the healthcare system 和 offering health education, 筛选, 加上降低成本的处理和控制.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐很自豪能与医疗保健专业人士合作, 病人, 各国政府和决策者应改善公平获得医疗保健的机会, 消除诊断障碍,提供最佳治疗. 早期筛查和干预可以使人们更健康, 减缓疾病进展, 并尽量减少对地球的影响.

海伦叶 澳门在线赌城娱乐crvrm医疗事务副总裁


现在比以往任何时候都更加迫切需要立即采取行动. 通过更好地了解心肾疾病之间的相互联系, by driving earlier 筛选 和 intervention 和 improving equitable access to healthcare we can improve patient outcomes, 减少对环境的影响,最终拯救生命.19,20

We are committed to playing our part to deliver better healthcare outcomes with a lower environmental footprint, 并创造积极的社会影响,帮助更多的人生活得更健康, 更好的生活.



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